Author: Guest Post

Becoming Financially Empowered in My 20s

| Personal Financial Stories

As a young adult in my early 20s, financial planning and retirement do not frequently cross my mind. Money overall doesn’t cross my mind much, until it’s time to pay a bill! However, during the past few months, while working at Sophia Wealth Academy, I’ve been exposed to an abundance of financial knowledge and tools ...

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Are You Willing?

| Personal Financial Stories

Talking about money is tough. Many of us were raised to think of it as a taboo subject. Once, after suffering some playground insults about my hand-me-down clothes and sneakers with holes in the toes, I asked my father how much money we had. He was instantly insulted and told me it was none of ...

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Using Your Compass

| Personal Financial Stories

Sometimes, on my hard days, I feel like a failure. I am overcome with a sense of just not being up to snuff. I look at my friend Amy and she has fewer wrinkles than me. I listen to Brené Brown and she has more followers, and is clearly wiser than me. I hang out ...

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