Out of Chaos: Organize Your Life


Let’s get 2024 off to a roaring start! We all want to have a streamlined, efficient and elegant life. Our guest speaker, Linda Chu, is the Queen of assisting people to downsize, declutter, move, and optimize their work and home spaces. She helps people create systems that liberate time and energy.

Living an organized life is about much more than keeping your desk or closet neat and tidy–it’s about optimal management of your time, your space and your actions. That starts with learning some beneficial habits.

Learn new sustainable, approaches to managing your life.

DATE: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
TIME: 6pm – 8pm
Sophia Financial Office
3762 10th Ave West, Vancouver BC

WORKSHOP PRESENTER: Linda Chu, Founder, Out of Chaos. Linda is a leader in the industry and her organizing tips have been published in many major newspapers. She regularly appears on popular television and radio programs.